The past three weeks of 2nd grade have really flown by! We have spent a lot of time discussing classroom expectations, and setting up routines for our day. We are now ready to begin reading groups this week. We will be focusing on main idea and details. Students will be completing book check out on their own this year-each student has a different day they will go each week to return books. They may get two books at each check out, as long as they return their two previous books. We will be starting individual check out this week. In writing, we will begin our narrative writing unit.
We are continuing our place value unit in math-really focusing on understanding the value of each digit in a number, the many ways you can make a number (48 tens and 30 ones makes 78, as well as 20 tens and 58 ones, etc.), skip counting by 5, 10, 100 forwards and backwards from any given number between 1-1000, and comparing numbers.
We are finishing up our moon unit, and will begin our first social studies unit when we get back from labor day. We will be studying Georgia's five regions and seven rivers. We have some fun activities planned in the learning commons to show what we have learned about both of these topics!