I hope everyone had a wonderful, restful, and relaxing break! I know I certainly enjoyed my time off but am ready to get back to school to start the 2nd half of 2nd grade!
Take a look at some of the exciting events that happened before our break:
Mary Musgrove visited our Media Center and shared about her life in Savannah.
Students enjoyed another exciting Science Lab lesson on forces and motion:
Creating holiday glyph pictures with our 4th grade buddies!
Our gingerbread holiday party! Big thanks to the volunteers for getting everything ready, especially the McQuilken family for all the "behind the scenes" work that they did! Everyone had a wonderful time!
As far as what is coming up the next few weeks....
In math, we will be starting a new addition strategy called partial sums. I will post an example of this strategy on the blog soon.
In reading, we will be working on monitoring when reading, as well as summarizing the stories we are reading.
For writing/language arts, we are starting our opinion writing unit where students will write their opinions about books that they are reading. We will start with writing letters about our opinions, which will tie into our next grammar skill- using commas in openings and closings of letters.
In Social studies, we will be learning about Martin Luther King Jr. Students will be given a MLK Jr. project on Monday, Jan. 9th so look for that to come home soon. This project will replace reading fluency and math homework next week, but students will still have spelling and reading log homework (reading about MLK Jr. counts towards the reading log!).
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about anything. I look forward to a great start to the 2nd half of our year!
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